Helping Your Teen Build Smart Money Habits

Wish Your Teen Knew the Value of Money (Without Rolling Their Eyes)? 😅

We’ve Got You!

Join our FREE 3-Day Workshop and learn how to teach your teens about saving, spending, and managing money—even if you don’t have it all figured out yet!

Spoiler alert: You don’t need to be a money management pro to teach your kids how to avoid financial disaster.

(Seriously, we’re speaking from experience.🙃)

Hey fellow parent! 👋

Let’s cut to the chase.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not exactly qualified to teach your kids about money because, well, your own financial skills aren’t winning any awards—you're not alone.

We were there too.

Oh boy, were we ever...

There was a time when we couldn’t even look at our own bank statements without cringing. We made some questionable financial decisions (okay, more than a few), and frankly, we got lucky that things didn’t spiral completely out of control. 😬💸

But then, one day, our teenage daughters asked for

€600 sneakers. That’s when the real fear kicked in. 😱

They didn’t even understand how much €600 was,

let alone how long it takes to save that kind of money.

Suddenly, it wasn’t just about our financial mess—it was about making sure our kids didn’t repeat the same mistakes we did.

And to be honest, that scared us even more than our own bad money habits.

So, we created this Workshop...

We’re parents just like you.

We had no clue how to even start talking to our kids about money.

It felt awkward.

We weren’t money experts—far from it. And every time we tried to bring it up, we got the classic eye roll. 🙄

But here’s what we realized: If we didn’t do something now, we’d be sending our daughters out into the world to make the exact same mistakes we made —or worse.

So, we dug in, learned a few things (through a lot of trial and error), and figured out how to teach them before it was too late. And guess what?

It worked!


This free 3-day workshop is based on our own journey from feeling ashamed of our financial mistakes to finally feeling proud of the money-smart kids we’ve raised.

We want to help you avoid the sleepless nights, the constant fear, and the “oh crap, did I really spend that much?!” moments.

29. - 31.10. 2024, 4:30 PM CET

What You’ll Learn:

Over the course of 3 days, we’ll walk you through how to:

  • Day 1 (1 hour)

    Figure out where your teen’s money skills are (or, let’s be real, where they aren’t 😅).

    Spoiler alert: it might be worse than you think, but hey, we’ll fix that!

  • Day 2 (1 hour)
    How to actually talk to your teen about money (without boring them to death).

    Trust us, we’ve cracked the code to making money talk fun—and no, it doesn’t involve bribing them. 😉

  • Day 3 (1 hour)
    Help your teen develop a short-term financial plan that gets them excited to save for their “must-have” items—without always hitting you up for more cash. 💸🎯

Why you’ll want to join us:

Look, we’re not money geniuses. In fact, we used to be downright terrible at it.

But that’s exactly why we get you.

We know what it feels like to be ashamed of our own money mistakes—keeping it quiet because, well, it’s kind of embarrassing... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

We also know that panic you feel when you see your teen starting to show the same careless habits. The fear that they’ll end up in a worse financial situation than you ever did. 😬

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to be a financial wizard to teach your kids about money.

You just need a game plan.

And that’s what this webinar is all about.

Who This Workshop is For?

  • Parents who feel like their own money management skills aren’t exactly great (hey, we’ve been there too!).

  • Moms and dads who are secretly terrified that their kids will make the same financial mistakes they did (or worse).

  • Anyone whose teen has no clue how much €600 really is but definitely knows how to ask for it. 😩

Our Story:

From Panic to Proud Parents

So, who are we?

We’re just regular parents who’ve been through it all.

We were stuck in a cycle of poor financial decisions and were too embarrassed to even admit it to our friends.

Our money conversations with our kids?

They went about as well as trying to talk about taxes at a birthday party. 🙄

But then we realized: if we didn’t teach our kids how to manage money now, they’d be in the same position (or worse!) when they got older.

So, we dug in, learned some hard lessons, and figured out how to turn our kids into money-smart teens.

And let us tell you, the first time our daughters started saving on their own? We were doing the happiest “money dance” you’ve ever seen. 🕺💃

We were proud of them and proud of ourselves for sticking with it.

Why Join Now?

Because if you’re anything like us, the thought of your teen going out into the world with no clue about money probably keeps you up at night.

The time to act is now—because before you know it, they’ll be making financial decisions without you there to help (scary, right?!).

Don’t wait until they’ve maxed out their first credit card or blow their entire paycheck on stuff they’ll forget about in a week.

Let’s get ahead of it together.

Sign Up Now!

Join our FREE 3-Day Workshop!

Sign up today and start transforming your teen’s relationship with money.

No boring lectures, no judgment—just real, practical steps you can take right now.

We’ve been where you are, and we’re here to help!


This is about more than just teaching your teen how to save—it’s about building their future.

We’re proof that it’s possible to go from panic and shame to watching your kids crush their savings goals.

And honestly?

It’ll change the way you communicate with them forever. 💪

💥 Reserve Your Spot Now! 💥

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